Articles for Peter Luhanga

Dunoon residents can access municipal offices at last

In 2016 Dunoon was put under Atlantis, 35km away, making it hard for the community to reach municipal offices. That “stupid” decision has now been reversed


Brief | 15 March 2022

Land finally cleared for Dunoon housing project in Cape Town

Families to be moved from crowded settlements


Brief | 16 February 2022

Dunoon matrics beat the odds

Piles of distinctions for learners from crowded Cape Town settlement


Feature | 26 January 2022

Hundreds block Malmesbury’s streets over “unaffordable” utility bills

Swartland municipality says its already written off more than R14.9 million in irrecoverable debt


Brief | 5 October 2021

Jobseekers flock to proposed Amazon site in Cape Town

Hundreds queue at River Club development in the hope of getting work


News | 26 August 2021

Developers try to overturn sale of land for Cape Town housing development

Covid-19 triggered a plan to move families from overcrowded Dunoon informal settlements, but more than a year later, they’re still there


News | 25 August 2021

Dunoon man electrocuted trying to put out the shack fire that killed another man

Residents say electrocuted man helped them fight for the land they are living on


Brief | 10 August 2021

Cape Town has reached Transport Day Zero. This is why

Lack of political leadership at all tiers of government and a failure to implement transport planning policy are to blame

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Analysis | 29 July 2021

Return to school spoiled by Cape Town taxi war

Western Cape MEC suspends Bellville – Paarl taxi route for two months

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News | 26 July 2021

Winde vows to arrest “warlords and thugs” in the taxi industry

Sweeping measures announced as commuters remain stranded


News | 20 July 2021

Cape Town commuters terrorised by taxi war

82 people murdered this year and buses shot at


News | 19 July 2021

Transport department to shut down “problematic” ranks and routes if taxi violence continues

More people killed and several others injured this week in ongoing feud over taxi routes


Brief | 15 July 2021

Shack dwellers under Potsdam Bridge play cat and mouse with City

Municipality puts in rocks, families remove them


Brief | 13 July 2021

Protesters demanding water stone cars in Dunoon

Residents in Zwelitsha informal settlement have been without potable water for weeks


Brief | 6 July 2021

Homes flooded after Diep River bursts its banks

Community-built Dunoon barrier fails to save people from winter floods


Brief | 2 July 2021