
Fix our schools, learners tell Eastern Cape Education Department

Equal Education has given the department two weeks to attend to schools with water and sanitation problems


News | 22 July 2020

Marikana residents cry out for flood relief

City says it has received over 60,000 requests for plastic sheeting from the area


Brief | 20 July 2020

Clinic without proper electricity and running water for ten months

Staff say they make daily trips to collect water from the nearest facility about 10km away


News | 17 July 2020

“There are toilets but we cannot use them”

Mobile toilets lie on the ground for weeks in PE informal settlement


Brief | 15 July 2020

Two years later: still no new toilets at Cofimvaba school

508 schools still without any sanitation in the Eastern Cape, says Equal Education


News | 14 July 2020

With no toilet, Wallacedene man has to watch over his mother-in-law while she uses a field

City of Cape Town says it recently delivered chemical toilets and standpipes will soon be installed


News | 14 July 2020

Overcrowded Bobani Village will soon get toilets

Some residents fear 846 communal toilets won’t be enough for over 3,000 shacks


Brief | 13 July 2020

Cape storm leaves hundreds without “toilets”

“Flood victims now shit in buckets inside their shacks and empty them into the dam. I do the same.”


News | 13 July 2020

In photos: Storm causes flooding in Cape Town

The City’s Disaster Risk Management says flood kits, sand and milling will be provided to affected informal settlements

By and

Photo Essay | 10 July 2020

Dunoon’s potholed sewage-filled roads

City says it cannot maintain the streets due to continued unrest and threats to contractors


Brief | 9 July 2020

Shack with a swimming pool and Table Mountain view

But Viziyalo Madola’s community still shares just one toilet


News | 7 July 2020

104-year-old woman now has a choice of toilets

Following our report, Elisa Khumalo now has two toilets: one from government, one donated by a private company


Brief | 6 July 2020

Vandalism during lockdown drains Motherwell school’s budget

Parents have started patrolling the grounds to scare off vandals


Brief | 29 June 2020

104-year-old woman has to go to the toilet in the open

Elisa Khumalo has watched as other people in the area get new toilets but not her


Brief | 24 June 2020

“Commuters have to urinate in the open,” says PE taxi driver

Taxi rank public toilets badly vandalised last year have remained closed


Brief | 24 June 2020

Sophiatown residents’ 20-year battle for services and housing

City says it can’t provide services on land it does not own


News | 24 June 2020