
Protesters face off against police in Vrygrond

Residents call for an end to shack demolitions

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News | 7 October 2019

Inanda residents close off roads in protest at power outage

Problem caused by cable theft, says councillor


Brief | 7 October 2019

City lawyers tell activist organisation to stop helping 80-year-old man facing eviction

Eviction of Kenneth Blaine escalates ideological battle between local government and Reclaim the City


Feature | 7 October 2019

Occupiers of old age home prepare for another night outside

No court rulings yet on their fate


News | 3 October 2019

Old age home occupiers evicted

Residents spend the night on the street in Observatory


News | 3 October 2019

City of Cape Town refuses to respond to activist prank

Organisers of Monday’s zombie rally sent out a spoof press release that claimed the City had agreed to their demands

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Brief | 3 October 2019

Unfinished RDP houses in Khayelitsha

No ceilings, toilet doors or gutters


Brief | 2 October 2019

Township residents occupy city old age home

CPOA says it intended to upgrade Observatory building, but new residents say they will not move

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Feature | 1 October 2019

Satire and the City: Zombies and a dead president protest in Cape Town

Housing activists compare City’s housing policies to apartheid era

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Photo Essay | 30 September 2019

One dead and over 80 homeless after Strand fire

Delivery man whose car caught alight says he does not know how he will resume work


Brief | 30 September 2019

North West housing project halted by angry residents

Residents claim housing allocation process excluded poor people in the community


News | 30 September 2019

100-year-old man dies two months after getting his first house

“Living in our new home without him will never be the same”


Brief | 27 September 2019

Skwatsha agrees not to move more families onto Stellenbosch farm

Court to rule on status of Die Akker evictees next month

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News | 20 September 2019

Kirkwood residents fume while municipality and province blame each other for lack of housing

I have never lived in a proper house, says Xoliswa Ntsilathana


News | 20 September 2019

Fire rips through Joe Slovo settlement, destroying 50 houses

IDs, textbooks, school uniforms destroyed


Brief | 18 September 2019