
Grade 8 learner sent home for having Afro hair

We are not here for fashion parades, says principal


News | 2 August 2018

Thousands march against gender-based violence across South Africa

“The 24 demands in our memorandum signify 24 years of democracy”


News | 1 August 2018

Who is burning Cape Town’s trains?

#UniteBehind sends letter to President Ramaphosa calling for perpetrators to be found


News | 1 August 2018

Rats and raw sewage part of daily life in Dunoon

City to spend R5 million to combat blocked drains in the area


News | 1 August 2018

Spate of vigilante killings in Dunoon

“We don’t support mob justice but people are sick and tired of crime”


News | 31 July 2018

Municipal police accused of xenophobic attack

Immigrants running hair salons in Pietermaritzburg say they were assaulted even though they are operating legally


News | 31 July 2018

Harare’s poorest residents vote in fear

“We live in a pool of faeces. Yet they want to control who we vote for.”


News | 31 July 2018

Why Woodstock Hospital has become a home for hundreds

“Legal or not, it is home. And it is a lot better than where I come from.”


News | 31 July 2018

Eastcape Midlands College campuses shut down

Students demand their NSFAS funds


News | 30 July 2018

What Zimbabweans think about the upcoming elections

“I will be the first person to go to Zimbabwe if a new government is installed next week”

By and

News | 28 July 2018

Obs locals protest for open public space

Residents worried about encroaching development


News | 28 July 2018

If commuters thought Metrorail couldn’t get worse, it did this week

Cape Town’s central line is operating with eight train sets. It needs 33.

By and

News | 27 July 2018

“I am a mother to myself, my siblings and also to our father”

Minor children care for their paralysed father in one-room shack


News | 26 July 2018

East London’s hostels left to crumble

“It’s been years really since we fixed them, but it will happen soon,” says councillor


News | 26 July 2018