Articles for Masego Mafata

Platinum mine tense after assassination of unionist

NUMSA’s Malibongwe Mdazo was gunned down outside the CCMA office in Rustenburg


News | 26 August 2021

Joburg’s informal traders call for police to stop confiscating their goods

Traders pay between R1,600 and R3,000 to retrieve their stock


News | 20 August 2021

Gauteng government takes vaccination drive to informal settlements

And Saaberie Chishty Society helps get people vaccinated outside their homes


News | 18 August 2021

Today’s heroes: the “ordinary” women who hold South Africa together

We interviewed five South African women who have overcome adversity to support their families.

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Feature | 9 August 2021

Volunteers are fixing looted Soweto markets

“It was scary to see this area go from busy to what felt like a ghost town overnight”


News | 5 August 2021

Operation Show Your Receipt: “They came in and took our mealie meal and oil”

Activists question legality of confiscating food from poor households


News | 29 July 2021

Gauteng informal traders feel the aftermath of July unrest

“We are not making money and our fridges at home are empty. We can’t carry on like this,” says Kwa Mai Mai Market food seller


News | 26 July 2021

Sharp increase in deaths places strain on Johannesburg cemeteries

“These numbers are staggering,” says City Parks spokesperson


News | 22 July 2021

People queueing for six hours to buy essential goods in KZN and Gauteng

“Law-abiding citizens are now facing the consequences of other people’s actions”

By and

News | 16 July 2021

27,000 people join project to rebuild after looting

The RebuildSA Facebook group was created on Tuesday


News | 14 July 2021

Gauteng clinics looted and destroyed

“What was not taken, was broken,” says doctor


News | 13 July 2021

Alexandra was already “a ticking time-bomb” says SAHRC report

As protest returns to Alexandra, activists say nothing has changed after 2019 protests


News | 13 July 2021

“I don’t know what I did to deserve this” says looted shop owner

Sporadic looting and protests continue in Alexandra, Johannesburg


News | 12 July 2021

Gauteng government takes vaccination drive to SASSA queues

“We’ve been using vaccines for years. I don’t understand why people are afraid of this vaccine” says Soweto pensioner


Brief | 7 July 2021

Artists want Minister Nathi Mthethwa’s head to roll

Theatre and Dance Alliance report says those responsible for the mess made of the Presidential Employment Stimulus Package should be held accountable


News | 1 July 2021

Mixed reactions to Gauteng government’s ambulance takeover

City of Johannesburg’s service suspended during current Covid-19 surge


News | 1 July 2021