Students lay charges of fraud against NSFAS

They allege that funds deposited by NSFAS are fraudulently withdrawn from their bank accounts


Brief | 25 July 2019

Criminalising school disruptions would help, says Panyaza Lesufi

Gauteng MEC for Education testifies at Alexandra Inquiry


News | 24 July 2019

From drought to floods for Cape Town

City says 3,640 structures affected


Photo Essay | 24 July 2019

Short of money and desperate, Khayelitsha residents start land occupation

“Sometimes we sleep on empty stomachs because we have no food”


News | 24 July 2019

Veld fire causes Rhodes University to evacuate residences

Blaze brought under control and no damage to buildings


Brief | 24 July 2019

“We don’t grow plants, we grow people”

Streetscapes’ urban gardens offer people living on the streets a way to reintegrate with society


News | 24 July 2019

A strike turned violent. The company fired the workers. Here’s what the Concourt ruled

Ruling has implications for the legal concept of derivative misconduct


Law | 24 July 2019

Gauteng wants blanket court interdict on land occupations

Human Settlements MEC briefs South African Human Rights Commission after protests in Alexandra


Brief | 23 July 2019

Shelters for abused women protest outside Parliament

More funds needed to implement the recommendations of the Commission for Gender Equality


Brief | 23 July 2019

In April their homes were destroyed by a flood. Now their new homes are being demolished

Dozens of Enkanini residents continue to rebuild their homes in defiance of the eThekwini municipality


News | 23 July 2019

Parents shut down primary school in Imbali over fees

“Where did the money we paid go?” asks angry parent


Brief | 23 July 2019

SANDF soldiers accused of terrorising immigrant shack dwellers

“The soldiers said it was just a teaser of what they will do to the rest of Happiness Village residents”


News | 23 July 2019

Supreme Court of Appeal sends coal company packing

No mining will take place in Mabola Protected Environment for now


Law | 23 July 2019

“Give us opportunities not handouts” say people with disabilities

“Disabled people can run businesses like everybody else”


Brief | 22 July 2019

This is why Metrorail employees will strike on Friday

But two unions, SATAWU and NTM, will not be joining

By and

News | 22 July 2019

Debt collectors Flemix & Associates face disciplinary action at Legal Practice Council

Law Clinic lawyer says hearing against Flemix is a significant step in reforming the micro-lending industry


News | 22 July 2019