
Pharmacists asked to pledge support for NHI

South African Pharmacy Council sent unorthodox message


Brief | 16 October 2019

MEC promises better security for ambulance drivers

Emergency workers return to PE townships


Brief | 10 October 2019

PE nurses strike escalates

Health workers are worried about their safety after a spate of assaults


News | 8 October 2019

Don’t rob us, plead ambulance drivers

Emergency services workers protest in PE townships


Brief | 7 October 2019

Medical staff demand better security at Motherwell clinic

Strike enters second day


Brief | 3 October 2019

Groote Schuur unveils new cancer machine that can treat 40 patients a day

The hospital treats 3,000 new oncology patients a year


News | 3 October 2019

Nightmare labour for mother in Limpopo hospital

Health department says incident was “truly unacceptable”


News | 26 September 2019

Hope for HIV vaccine being tested in South Africa

While it’s too soon to be confident, a vaccine originally tested in Thailand has shown promising early results


Science | 20 September 2019

Fire closes Mitchells Plain hospital

“The quick reaction time of the fire crews resulted in the fire being contained to the theater section of the hospital”


Brief | 13 September 2019

“Too poor to be treated”: Gugulethu residents demand better healthcare

Residents march to clinics and police station


News | 5 September 2019

Farmworkers want 67 pesticides banned

NGO says the pesticides are already banned in the European Union


News | 29 August 2019

Burn victims unable to get life changing treatment

South Africa’s only tissue bank has been empty the past two months


News | 26 August 2019

Mom loses court case but scores a bigger victory for Eastern Cape patients

Supreme Court of Appeal has called on health minister Zweli Mkhize to “urgently address” the dire situation at government hospitals in the Eastern Cape


Law | 16 August 2019

Western Cape health services paint bloody picture of gun violence

“We are doing battleground medicine,” says minister


News | 8 August 2019

NEHAWU demands dismissal of Limpopo MEC for Health

The union also calls for Director General to be given the boot following Auditor-General finding


Brief | 1 August 2019

HIV drug studies offer patients more choices

But new regimens are not problem-free


Science | 26 July 2019