
Family wants answers after relative murdered in hospital

Tapiwa Chipika, a Zimbabwean, is believed to have been strangled in a ward


Brief | 29 March 2018

Family of murdered Xolobeni activist appeals to NPA to “unblock” investigation

Police inquiry into Sikhosiphi Radebe’s 2016 death is stalled


News | 27 March 2018

Informal gold miners raise money to bury their friend

More Ngondi was killed by mine security


Brief | 15 March 2018

Want to curb abalone poaching? Treat the cause

Drone video that showed poachers being caught misses the point


Opinion | 28 February 2018

Union threatens to shut down Metrorail’s Northern Line

Dangerous working conditions a major concern for employees


News | 8 February 2018

Readers step in to help boy who was shot by stray bullet

School fees raised for Manenberg teen


Brief | 31 January 2018

A Manenberg mother’s desperate struggle to save her son

Shereen Adams fought for her son’s life when he was shot during gang violence. Now she’s fighting to keep him at school.


Feature | 29 January 2018

“It is me who must fix the police” says Mbalula

Mogale City: police minister promises quick action against drug dealers and corrupt cops

By GroundUp Reporter

News | 24 January 2018

The forgotten mining town where rape is “normal”

Women and children bear the brunt of lawlessness at Durban Deep

Text by . Photos by .

Feature | 16 January 2018

Police failed to protect us from mob justice, says Eastern Cape family

Man’s house burned down after he was accused of a stabbing which never took place


News | 9 January 2018

Marikana shooting claims two lives

Gunmen open fire in tavern


Brief | 8 January 2018

Accused acquitted in high profile Khayelitsha murder case

Sinoxolo Mafevuka was murdered when she went to the toilet at night


Law | 19 December 2017

Court frees man convicted of murder because of incomplete trial record

Judgment will put pressure on lower courts to get their record-keeping right


Law | 15 December 2017

Paramedic: “We are scared of the community we work for”

Paramedic Sibusiso Mthethwa was shot dead outside Edendale Hospital in June


Brief | 14 December 2017

Rape survivors deserve privacy in court, says Rape Crisis

Call for Khayelitsha to have a special sexual offences court


News | 5 December 2017