Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

How can I ensure that my provident fund payment is divided equally between me and my seven children?

You and the mother/s will need a court order to compel the fund to do this.

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What is a letter of authority and how can I get one?

The Master of the High Court issues a letter of authority to whoever was nominated to administer a deceased's estate.

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If the deceased was married in community of property, can they leave their estate to someone else?

No, the deceased cannot leave the estate to someone else without their spouse's permission.

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Do my siblings have claim to the house left to me and our late mother by our late grandmother?

It depends on whether your mother left a will. You still have the 50% share left by your grandmother.

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If the Municipality miscalculates the amount owing on property rates, is the previous owner liable for payment?

There is some uncertainty surrounding this, but it is possible that you will have to pay.

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I contracted Covid-19 and have received no support from my employer

You may want the CCMA to get involved.

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My late grandfather had children with two women who he didn't marry. Do they have claim to his house?

The mothers don't but the children do have claim to the house.

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Are caregivers employees or independent contractors?

They are employees if you control when and how they work.

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Can I apply for a child grant if my partner isn't South African?

You can apply for the child support grant if your partner is a refugee or permanent resident.

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Can my landlord change the price I agreed to buy the house for?

If it was a verbal agreement, there is nothing stopping him from changing the price.

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