
PRASA CEO Zolani - aka Kgosie - Matthews: an embarrassing appointment

He has been suspended because of information that should have been known to the board before he was appointed


Analysis | 23 November 2021

Social grants: the research behind the controversy

We look at how different grants were evaluated in the recent SALDRU study


Analysis | 11 November 2021

Law and power: How a prisoner’s journey saved the lives of thousands

A look back at the battle for the rights of HIV-positive prisoners


Analysis | 11 November 2021

National pension reform: could it be done?

The Department of Social Development’s proposals have been described as ludicrous, but are they really?


Analysis | 14 October 2021

National pension reform: Protecting the funds from state capture

There are novel checks and balances


Analysis | 11 October 2021

National pension reform: Why we must do it

Our pensions and social protection system is broken and unfair


Analysis | 7 October 2021

National pension reform: This is about everyone’s future

Unpacking the Green Paper on social security reform


Analysis | 6 October 2021

Police use of deadly force must be curbed, says new expert report

Report says ratio of civilians killed by police to police killed on duty in South Africa, about 13 to one, is a cause for concern


Analysis | 26 August 2021

How hesitant are South Africans about getting vaccinated?

Large surveys offer different views on vaccine acceptance


Analysis | 20 August 2021

Cops who rape are rarely disciplined, data reveals

Many stay on the job


Analysis | 4 August 2021

Cape Town has reached Transport Day Zero. This is why

Lack of political leadership at all tiers of government and a failure to implement transport planning policy are to blame

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Analysis | 29 July 2021

Covid-19 vaccines: Current challenge is not supply but using the available vaccines

The government’s plan requires vaccinating one million people per week, but it has only fully vaccinated 1.4 million people in nine weeks.

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Analysis | 22 July 2021

We shouldn’t shift vaccines away from the elderly

Less than 40% of people over 60 have been vaccinated

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Analysis | 30 June 2021

South Africa’s vaccine rollout can succeed

But it will require leadership and tough negotiations with drug companies

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Analysis | 14 June 2021