
Defence asks for discharge in Peter trial

The State has not proved “beyond reasonable doubt” that Social Justice Coalition activist Angy Peter and her co-accused are responsible for the assault and murder of Rowan Du Preez, the defence argued in the Cape High court yesterday.

Barbara Maregele

News | 10 June 2014

Zimbabwean alleges he was assaulted by police

A 40-year-old Zimbabwean man fleeing from robbers was allegedly attacked in the grounds of his home in Van Eyssen Street Parow by a group of Law Enforcement Officers last week.

Tariro Washinyira

News | 9 June 2014

Angy Peter: Court hears closing arguments in trial-within-a-trial

The "dying declaration" allegedly made to police by Rowan du Preez, who was kidnapped and murdered, should be regarded as hearsay, the defence told the Cape High Court during closing arguments in the case against Angy Peter yesterday morning.

Barbara Maregele

News | 30 May 2014

As Khayelitsha inquiry closes, crucial police documents still not submitted

The police have been inefficient In Khayelitsha. This was the concession of police lawyers at the Khayelitsha Commission of Inquiry during its final public hearing yesterday.

Adam Armstrong

News | 30 May 2014

Was 13-year-old Tariro murdered?

No arrests have yet been made after the death of 13-year-old Tariro Makalakata earlier this month.

Tariro Washinyira

News | 28 May 2014

Young, high and dangerous: youth gangs and violence in Khayelitsha

They fight to kill - with pangas, knives and their bare hands. They don't know why the fighting began but it doesn't seem to matter. Proving your manhood doesn't require a reason.

Words: Pharie Sefali Images: Don Pinnock Editing: Guy Lamb

News | 27 May 2014

Angy Peter trial: Court hears that evidence submitted by police was incorrect

The Angy Peter case resumed on Monday with a brief but significant submission from Nobuntu Sifuba, a member of the Street Committee in the area where Rowan Du Preez lived.

Adam Armstrong

News | 27 May 2014

An ‘oasis of excellence’ in the arid karoo

For all the special pleading by the major teachers’ union, Sadtu and the assertions by basic education minister Angie Motshekga that all is well, our schooling system is in crisis.

Terry Bell

Opinion | 26 May 2014

Angy Peter trial: Was murder victim’s dying declaration likely?

State prosecutor, Advocate Phistus Pelesa, continued to cross-examine Dr Almin Steyn in the Angy Peter trial on Thursday.

Adam Armstrong

News | 23 May 2014

Angy Peter trial: Dying declaration unlikely testifies surgeon

Dr Elmin Steyn testified in the Angy Peter trial yesterday that it was “extremely unlikely” that someone in Rowan du Preez’s condition would have been able to “have a long and complicated conversation” in which he identified his assailants.

Adam Armstrong

News | 22 May 2014

Laws of physics suspended - prosecutor in Angy Peter trial

Forensic specialist Dr David Klatzow testified yesterday in the Angy Peter murder trial. The court is currently hearing a “trial-within-a-trial” which will determine whether it was possible for the murdered man, Rowan du Preez, to have made his dying declaration, as the state alleges.

Adam Armstrong

News | 21 May 2014

Capricorn violence: taxi drivers killing each other

Residents from Capricorn near Muizenberg are afraid to go to work and school because of violent clashes. There appears to be a taxi war with racial overtones.

Pharie Sefali

News | 20 May 2014

Angy Peter trial: parties contest whether victim could have spoken before his death

Yesterday in the murder trial of Angy Peter, a medical expert for the state, Dr Estie Meyer, testified that she saw “no anatomical reason” why Rowan du Preez could not have spoken to the police after he was assaulted.

Adam Armstrong

News | 20 May 2014

“In a matter of seconds a man is dead “¦ for snatching a handbag”

“We don’t need to focus on fighting crime ... we need to heal our communities,” testified Professor Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela at the Khayelitsha Inquiry into policing this morning. Her testimony described the social and psychological trauma of the Khayelitsha community, and how that results in vigilante killings.

Adam Armstrong

News | 16 May 2014

Empty promises or promising new beginnings? South African government launches three-year gay rights campaign

Things are looking up, right? Just days ago, our beloved Caster Semenya was in the headlines of none other than the Daily Sun, not because her gender or hormone levels were, once again, put under a degrading spotlight, but because she had announced her soon-to-be marriage to her girlfriend.

Laura Pascoe

Opinion | 16 May 2014

Guide to being tried for murder in South Africa

Perhaps you have been following the Angy Peter murder trial closely. Or maybe you have been watching the Oscar Pistorius one. Like us, you have lots of questions about how our legal system works. We asked a lawyer to answer them.

GroundUp Staff

News | 16 May 2014