Answers to your questions

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Topic: Sassa  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

Can I re-apply for a child's grant now that my husband has walked out on us?

Yes, if you still qualify. You can also open a maintenance claim against your husband.

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Does SASSA go against the Constitution by considering all marriages as in community of property for grant applications?

Probably not.

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Can SASSA give me a one-off advance or loan on an existing grant?

You may want to apply for the SRD grant and try to get maintenance from your children's father.

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Can SASSA terminate my wife's pension because I am a GEPF member?

All SASSA grants are means-tested. If your combined income is too high, SASSA will not pay her

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Can NSFAS approve my application if I'm getting the SRD?

You need to contact NSFAS

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How can I get SASSA to give me my late mother's last payout without her burial papers?

Go to the funeral parlour and ask for a copy of your invoice or receipt.

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Can SASSA reclaim grant money now that I earn more than the qualifying amount?

SASSA can demand repayment for the period that your income exceeded the qualifying amount.

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My domestic worker wants to claim UIF but I have never made a UIF payment. What do I do?

You can pay arrears to the UIF for the years you did not contribute.

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What is the maximum amount of additional income that I can earn without jeopardising my disability grant?

You may not earn more than R172,560 (R14,380 per month) jointly, if you are married.

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How can I make SASSA pay for December and January instead of paying double in January?

You can either contact SASSA's helpline or request paralegal assistance.

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