
SAMWU march in Tshwane marred by violence over “internal problems”

Thousands of South African Municipal Workers’ Union members marched in Pretoria on Wednesday to demand higher salaries


News | 26 July 2023

“Sick” SARS employee spotted at EFF protest must be fired, judge rules

Investigator seen on TV “singing and clapping his hands” at march


Law | 24 July 2023

Chip factory workers will challenge dismissal in Labour Court

Frimax Foods in Durban fired the workers who downed tools in an unprotected strike in June


News | 14 July 2023

The precarious lives of supermarket grocery delivery drivers

While they race on their motorbikes against tight deadlines they have little job security and few employment benefits


News | 14 July 2023

Staff at Chatsworth hospital picket over poor working conditions

Staff shortages saw nurses having to work as cleaners and clerks


Brief | 13 July 2023

KZN health department fires hospital security company

Guards downed tools because they have not yet been paid for June


Brief | 12 July 2023

Chef’s Warehouse waitress fired for not pooling R150 tip

Johannesburg Labour Court has upheld a CCMA ruling that her dismissal was fair and correct


Law | 7 July 2023

Striking Durban food workers head to CCMA

Frimax Foods dismissed workers who downed tools earlier this month


News | 29 June 2023

Health workers protest at Lentegeur hospital

Unhappiness over payments and workers left jobless


Brief | 29 June 2023

Farm worker unfairly dismissed after Swedish magazine interview

The Cape Town Labour Court has sent Claudine van Wyk’s case back to the CCMA


Law | 28 June 2023

Labour court fires dishonest National Lotteries Commission employee

The client liaison officer was originally given a suspended dismissal for ten years for gross dishonesty on condition she did not re-offend


Law | 26 June 2023

Labour Court upholds dismissal of lying municipal chief financial officer

Misrepresenting qualifications is a “menacing evil”, says judge


Law | 19 June 2023

Row over human settlement minister’s “lift” dismissal

Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi’s efforts to “clarify” what she called “misleading media reports”, sees her accused of “deliberately lying”


News | 12 June 2023

Labour Court slams Human Settlements Minister for “unlawfully” firing staffer after being stuck in a lift for an hour

The court ordered that the deputy director of corporate services immediately be reinstated


Law | 5 June 2023

Security guards march in Pretoria to demand permanent jobs

Protesters want City of Tshwane to absorb 4,000 workers


Brief | 24 May 2023

Post Office has failed to pay into employees’ retirement fund for three years

Workers’ contributions have been deducted from their salaries but not paid into fund


News | 18 May 2023