Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Topic: Labour  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

What should I do if my employer won't submit my Workmen's Compensation documents?

You or your union representative can send a form directly to the Workmen's Compensation Commissioner.

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Are domestic workers eligible for state pension or is it the employer's responsibility?

Domestic workers are eligible for UIF and state pension.

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How can my kids and I claim death benefits for their father who was not living with us or listed on their birth certificates?

If you can somehow prove that he is the father of your children, your kids could apply for his death benefits.

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How can I submit a UIF claim?

Register on the uFiling website.

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Does a wife have to share her pension money with her husband if he did not share his with her?

Possibly, but she should definitely get legal advice.

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Can I claim UIF if my WCA has been approved but not paid out?

If your WCA claim was still being assessed, then yes. But it is unclear whether you can apply for UIF now.

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Why can't spouses married under Muslim rites claim deceased funds?

Marriages under Muslim rites are not yet legally recognised in South Africa.

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Do I have to attach my provident fund to the child maintenance that I pay?

Yes, but only if you have no other means to continue paying maintenance.

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Can prisoners claim UIF and provident funds from prison?

Prisoners may claim from the provident fund but not the UIF.

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Will a letter of authority compel the deceased's company to pay out her provident monies?

No, you need to discuss the issue with the provident fund itself.

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