Articles for Mary-Anne Gontsana

Budget 2015: What leading activist organisations want to hear from Nene

Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene will present the budget speech to Parliament today. GroundUp spoke to several social movements and leading civil society organisations to find out what they would like him to address.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 25 February 2015

“I loved my job,” says man dismissed by Independent Media

Bongani Peterson Fani says he only knows one thing that he does very well and that is delivering newspapers. Now that he is suddenly out of a job, he doesn't know where to begin looking for work.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

Feature | 24 February 2015

Shack demolished because of an unauthorised extension - says family

A family of six say they were left scrambling for material to rebuild their shack after it was demolished on Wednesday morning.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 19 February 2015

Most Mfuleni tent children back at school

Arrangements have been made to accommodate most of the Mfuleni learners who were using a tent as a school, according to the Western Cape Department of Education.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 4 February 2015

Assault at Home Affairs

People watched in shock inside the Khayelitsha Home Affairs on Monday morning as a man was beaten and thrown outside by what appeared to be a Home Affairs employee.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 3 February 2015

Owls to be used to rid homes of rats

Philippi residents say there is just no getting rid of the rats terrorising them in their homes. But the City of Cape Town has a plan to introduce owls to solve the problem.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 2 February 2015

No room for learners: parents start school in tent

Hundreds of learners are using a tent in Mfuleni’s Bardale neighbourhood as a school after parents say they were turned away from primary and high schools in the area which are full.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

Feature | 29 January 2015

Organisation provides hope and skills to thousands of kids

At 22 years of age, Brightness Khumalo, has found a job that she describes as hard but which she clearly finds rewarding.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

Brief | 22 January 2015

“We’re not going anywhere until we’re heard” - Mfuleni tent dwellers

A group of about 100 Mfuleni backyarders who raised eyebrows in the community after erecting and moving into a tent in an open space, more than five months ago, say they are not going anywhere until they are heard.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 16 January 2015

Plasma TV rumour surfaces again

New rumours of a “plasma gang” stealing TVs in order to retrieve a powder have surfaced in Cape Town, but police and scientists are unconvinced.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 14 January 2015

New Monwabisi Beach upgrade promised

Plans for the upgrade of Monwabisi Beach will be finalised early this year, says the City of Cape Town.

Mary-Anne Gontsana and Johnnie Isaac

News | 9 January 2015

SJC to move after latest burglary

Social Justice Coalition (SJC) members returned to work today after the holidays to find their offices trashed.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 5 January 2015

Long day’s journey to school

The journey to school is long and tough for many pupils. Some have to travel for hours on foot to get to school. The Equal Education Law Centre (EELC) recently collected affidavits in rural KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) which were “truly incredible and devastating”.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 4 December 2014

A house after waiting 13 years

Tirelessly since 2001, Thembisa Maso has been sent pillar to post by the City of Cape Town, the Department of Human Settlements, housing committees and ward councilors, only to be disappointed. Finally, she will be able to move into her home by the end of this week.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 3 December 2014

Organisations allege dreadful conditions at Pollsmoor awaiting trial facility

Lack of mattresses, a leaking roof, lack of hot water and insufficient access to medical treatment: Pollsmoor’s facility for awaiting trial prisoners has been slammed by civil society organisations for what they call “several concerns regarding conditions of detention at the facility.”

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 27 November 2014

Prevention strategies the key to curbing violence against children

“South Africa has no national statistics on violence against children,” says Shanaaz Mathews, director of the Children's Institute at the University of Cape Town. In the absence of statistics, the South African Child Gauge looks at community-based studies. The 9th issue was launched in Pretoria on Tuesday.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 20 November 2014