
Athlone’s amazing pet hospital

Walking through the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) in Bridgetown, Athlone, is like walking through a hospital for humans - bare walls, corridors, operating rooms. Except, that is, for the barking and for the smell of dogs.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 9 April 2015

We’re being targeted, say homeless

Homeless people in Observatory, Woodstock and Bellville have complained about a wave of law enforcement operations against them in the last two months.

Ian Broughton

Feature | 8 April 2015

What’s up with the price of bread?

Nomsa Vumazonke buys two loaves of bread every day. She lives in Philippi with her three children and four grandchildren, and after making sandwiches for them says there is nothing left for her to eat. "Bread is too expensive. It's very hard. I have to buy bread for my children," she says.

Ben Stanwix

Feature | 1 April 2015

SJC only prove their ignorance

The Social Justice Coalition (SJC) has once again proven their obsession with budgets, and their incompetence at interpreting them.

Ernest Sonnenberg

Opinion | 1 April 2015

Mayor de Lille, here’s your evidence. It’s time for action.

When Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lille tabled the 2015/2016 draft budget last week, she said, “In my years as Mayor, not once has any substantive proof to counter our evidence of pro-poor spending ever been offered.”

Axolile Notywala

Opinion | 31 March 2015

Free State health workers on trial for protesting dismissals

There are protests outside the Bloemfontein Magistrate's Court this morning, as a trial of health workers resumes amidst widespread dissatisfaction with the Free State health system and MEC Benny Malakoane.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 30 March 2015

MPs urged to get tested for TB

All MPs should get themselves tested for TB, the Treatment Action Campaign says.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 24 March 2015

TAC march to parliament on world TB day

Activists from the Treatment Action Campaign marched on Parliament this morning to call for better leadership in tuberculosis (TB) treatment and prevention in South Africa. Today is World TB day.

Daneel Knoetze

Brief | 24 March 2015

A stealthy attempt at censorship

Freedom of speech is a fundamental right recognised in our constitution. But that doesn’t mean everyone has to allow that speech anywhere you want to make it.

Kevin Charleston

Opinion | 18 March 2015

Consumer activist forced to move website offshore

A consumer activist who runs a blog exposing misleading claims about health products has been forced to move his website offshore after a run-in with sports supplement company USN.

Barbara Maregele

News | 17 March 2015

Innovations at Groote Schuur offer hope to patients and nurses

A year after receiving a kidney transplant, Vuyo [not his real name] travelled to the Eastern Cape to visit his grandmother. A young man of 19, Vuyo had been making good progress after the operation, but he still had to take medication daily.

Jon Pienaar

News | 17 March 2015

Heideveld patients protest as disability grant applications declined

A group of 15 people who have been receiving disability grants for at least five years protested outside the Heideveld Community Day Centre on Monday after their latest applications were declined.

Barbara Maregele

News | 10 March 2015

“Now I have lunch in a clean canteen”

The contract workers who clean portable toilets all day at the Borcherd’s Quarry Depot now have a canteen and a place to change.

Zintle Swana

News | 10 March 2015

TAC calls on Free State premier to fire MEC

The Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) has called on Free State Premier Ace Magashule to fire or suspend health MEC Benny Malakoane, after the release of a letter from doctors about the Free State healthcare system.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

Brief | 5 March 2015

Sibongile - help for children with disabilities

Nomasango Xabanisa knows only too well how time-consuming it is to look after a disabled child. Her own daughter, Sibongile, had cerebral palsy.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 3 March 2015

Response by Free State government to whistleblowers

On Friday 27 February GroundUp published a whistleblowers' account of the state of the Free State health system. Before publishing GroundUp sent a list of questions to the Free State Department of Health and the office of Premier Ace Magashule. Here is a response written by Mondli Mvambi of the health department and Makalo Mohale of the premier's office.

Mondli Mvambi and Makalo Mohale for the Free State government

Opinion | 28 February 2015