Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Will the fact that my mother and I have different surnames cause some challenges in the future?

The fact that you use her maiden surname and she has changed hers does not make you any less her son.

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How can I find out what is happening with my late mother’s house, where my cousin had been staying with her?

If your mother died without making a will, the Intestate Succession Act would apply.

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Is there a way to take up the problem of being denied a disability grant?

You can apply for a disability grant at your nearest SASSA office.

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What can I do if my father died without a will and my siblings are living in his house?

If there is no surviving spouse, the estate will be inherited by the descendants in equal shares.

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How can I claim the money that my late father left for me when he died?

If a person’s provident or pension fund has not been claimed, the fund will usually place the money in an Unclaimed Benefits Fund while they wait for it to be claimed.

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How can I get an ID if I was born in Lesotho to South African father and mother from Lesotho?

If you were born outside South Africa and one of your parents was South African, and the birth was registered, you should be able to claim South African citizenship by descent.

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How can my girlfriend can get a birth certificate so that we can get a birth certificate for our son?

Your girlfriend will have to apply for a Late Birth Registration (LBR).

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How can I collect my UIF if my employer refuses to register with NBCRFLI?

An employer is legally required to register with the specific bargaining council that applies to the employer’s main scope of work. If the employer does not comply they can be fined.

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My husband passed away and I cannot afford to pay the debt. What can I do?

The best thing to do is to go to the bank and explain your position to them.

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What should I do if I got married under civil law without legally divorcing my first wife that I married under customary law?

You need to legally divorce your first wife. You can then "re-marry" your current wife.

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