Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

How can a prisoner who was assigned the wrong case number appeal their sentence?

You need to contact a lawyer.

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How can I change my children's Zimbabwean birth certificate details in SA?

There are pro bono and means-tested legal organisations who can help you.

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Why is my aunt liable for her late husband's debts if they were married out of community of property?

As the representative with the letter of authority, she is required to pay all his debts.

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Are no-fee schools allowed to charge extra costs?

"Voluntary donations" at no-fee schools are encouraged but not compulsory.

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Does SASSA register policies for disability grant recipients?

No, SASSA does not register policies for disability grant recipients.

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How can a foreign father add his name to his children's birth certificates?

Home Affairs should help you, but you will have to give a "good and sufficient reason"

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Can you get a spousal visa if you have not lived together?

Yes because you do not have to live together. There is no minimum period of marriage either.

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Will a letter of authority compel the deceased's company to pay out her provident monies?

No, you need to discuss the issue with the provident fund itself.

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Must the deceased's wives inherit the estate in equal shares if the first marriage is under civil law and the other is customary?

Not unless he wrote a will. You cannot remarry if you are still in a civil law marriage.

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How can I get on the waiting list for gender reassignment surgery?

You would start by getting a referral from a doctor to the Transgender Clinic at Groote Schuur.

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