Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

How can a first-time applicant get their ID without their parents or a birth certificate?

You will need whatever documents of theirs that you have and apply for both documents at the same time.

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Can my coworker sell half her RDP house to me?

Yes, but only if she has owned the property for more than eight years.

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How can I make a review application to the Labour Court to overturn a decision made by the CCMA?

A review application is made by filling out Form 4 at the Labour Court.

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Can I sell a portion of the municipal land that I bought?

Consult the municipality about what the minimum size for subdivision is in your area.

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How can I stop my relatives from stealing money from my late grandmother's estate?

You can lodge a complaint with the Master of the High Court.

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What happens with the title deed if there is no will?

The Intestate Succession Act of 1987 applies

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My late husband married another woman without my knowledge and left his estate to her. What can I do?

Because you did not agree to the second marriage, it is void. You can contest the will.

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Where can I get a PTO certificate for my rural stand?

You need to approach the traditional leader in the area where you live.

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What happens if the seller of a house dies before the transfer has taken place?

The transfer process is halted and the estate of the deceased seller must be reported.

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Can I claim UIF death benefits two years after the person passed away?

Dependants only have 18 months to claim their benefits, but it's worth trying anyway

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