
Chequebook justice

Oscar Pistorius’ bail application apparently showed how the justice system works when someone is arrested. But actually his hearing and release on bail were exceptional.

Nathan Geffen

Opinion | 5 September 2013

There should be no tolerance for anti-Semitism in Palestinian solidarity

A demonstration framed ‘as a silent protest against racism’ held at Wits University on 28 August turned out to be anything but an embodiment of the principles of the anti-racism it espoused when a small group of the protesters sang ‘dubula e juda’ (shoot the Jew).

Heidi-Jane Esakov

Opinion | 4 September 2013

What Cosatu shop stewards really think

Critical elements of the long-awaited and debated survey of the attitudes of Cosatu shop stewards were finally made public in Johannesburg last night. And they are likely to cause a considerable stir within labour and political circles, especially about the possible future launch of a union-backed labour party.

Terry Bell

Opinion | 2 September 2013

Labour crisis threatens all democracy

“One is workers’ unity and evermore shall be so.” So goes an old labour movement song summarising the prime goal of trade unionism. It is also captured in the slogan: An injury to one is an injury to all. Equally, however, a disruption to one usually means a disruption to all.

Terry Bell

Opinion | 26 August 2013

Why Zionists should support critics of the Israeli Occupation

Shaul and Yuli Novak are two Israeli Defence Force veterans with the organisation Breaking the Silence. They are currently visiting South Africa, giving talks and promoting a book. Breaking the Silence publishes testimonies by Israeli soldiers of their actions, many of them human rights violations, in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT).

Nathan Geffen

Opinion | 22 August 2013

Dali Mpofu’s “not inconsiderable fees”

I enjoy lawyer jokes, but in my time with the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) the lawyers I worked with didn't fit the stereotype. They often represented TAC pro bono or at reduced fees. They put money aside to fight for justice, especially for poor people. They were also modest. In our high profile cases, the TAC's lawyers were not the centre of attention. Nevertheless, TAC won most of its cases and all the key ones. We were very ably represented.

Nathan Geffen

Opinion | 21 August 2013

Reading for change: organisation addresses social issues through cellphone fiction

FunDza Literacy Trust is an NGO that aims to popularize reading amongst young South Africans. FunDza's goals are to encourage youngsters to read for pleasure and to help students, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, to become effectively literate.

Fergus Turner

Opinion | 20 August 2013

Marikana: a wake-up call still ignored

Four days after the bloodletting that has become known as the Marikana massacre, this column supported the call for a comprehensive and independent inquiry. And it noted, reflecting a widespread view within the labour movement: “The Lonmin tragedy is a wake-up call that South Africa will ignore at its peril.”

Terry Bell

Opinion | 20 August 2013

Pregnant girls have a right to be in school

Teenage pregnancy and the stigmatisation that accompanies it continue to expose deep seated prejudices that exist in our society. Given the prevailing attitude of vilifying pregnant girls it should come with little surprise that many schools opt for a punitive response by banishing pregnant girls from school.

Lisa Andrews and Lisa Draga

Opinion | 14 August 2013

Do companies have the right to own your genes?

Patenting of genes incentivises research and the discovery of new treatments, tests and drugs. But does the exclusive ownership of biological material stop the sharing of information and prevent treatment getting to the people that need it?

Kerry Gordon

Opinion | 12 August 2013

Are we ready for universal breastfeeding in South Africa? A response to Vuyiseka Dubula

Vuyiseka Dubula’s opinion piece published in GroundUp raises some important issues concerning the promotion of breastfeeding in South Africa. Vuyiseka is correct: breastfeeding is much safer than formula feeding.

David Sanders, Tanya Doherty, Debra Jackson, Ameena Goga

Opinion | 12 August 2013

How to reduce the fuel price and grow the economy

Today the fuel price goes up 32 cents per litre. This means diesel, which drives our big trucks that distribute food and other goods across the country, will be over R13 a litre. Commuter transport will become more expensive as will the price of paraffin used by by the poor for cooking and lighting.

Jack Lewis

Opinion | 7 August 2013

Dying with dignity

Nelson Mandela may not be aware of it but he has got us talking about death; something we have never had the courage to do before. This is certainly a discussion he wanted us to have. As President of the country he appointed the South African Law Commission to write a report on end-of life issues, and it was Nelson Mandela himself who tabled this in parliament.

Sean Davison

Opinion | 6 August 2013

The Kurdish Question: Is a political solution possible?

A process has begun in Turkey which has the potential to find solutions to the Kurdish question.

Mansoor Jaffer

Opinion | 5 August 2013

Labour backs child beating ban

Sex scandals, amid accusations of conspiracy, strikes and ongoing fears of violence have dominated the news about trade unions over the past week and more. And the spectre of Wonderkop and the dead and crippled miners, both pre and post Marikana has continued to loom large.

Terry Bell

Opinion | 5 August 2013

World Cup or not, Brazilian protesters have had enough

South Africa and Brazil have quite a few things in common. Both are economic powerhouses and members of BRICS. They both play an important role in regional and global affairs acting as political advisors to their nearby countries.

Fabio da Graca

Opinion | 5 August 2013