Articles for GroundUp Staff

Students in state scheme get certificates for courses they didn’t complete

The National Rural Youth Service Corps (Narysec), set up to train unemployed young people in rural areas, seems to be in disarray in the Eastern Cape, where some students have given up hope of graduating while others say they have been given certificates for courses they did not complete.

Nombulelo Damba-Hendrik and GroundUp staff

Feature | 8 December 2015

City steps up bus safety checks for annual exodus to Eastern Cape

The City of Cape Town will, from 10 December until Christmas Eve, step up safety checks on buses departing to the Eastern Cape. But some bus drivers are annoyed by the inconvenience this causes at the busiest time of the year.

Siyavuya Khaya and GroundUp staff

News | 7 December 2015

Masiphumelele: before and after the fire

Here are two aerial photographs of Masiphumelele's Section D and Section E informal settlements. The first was taken before Sunday morning's fire, and the second was taken after.

GroundUp staff

News | 4 December 2015

Khayelitsha kids have fun while learning how to stay healthy

Young children and teenagers packed Khayelitsha's Mew Way Hall to the brim today. They were entertained by the Zip Zap Circus and the Jazzart Dance Theatre. But besides having a day of fun, they also learnt about HIV and how to stay healthy, whether or not infected by the virus.

GroundUp Staff and Bernard ChiguvarePhotos by Masixole Feni

News | 1 December 2015

Money for TB research is shrinking while millions die

Tuberculosis (TB) killed 1.5 million people last year according to the World Health Organisation. Yet research money for TB is stagnating or even declining, according to a new report by the US based Treatment Action Group (TAG).

GroundUp staff

News | 30 November 2015

One thousand homes destroyed in Masiphumelele fire

Distraught residents wander amongst the ash, corrugated iron, rubble and smoke of Section D in Masiphumelele, a township in Cape Town's south peninsula. In the last few hours, thousands have lost their homes and possessions. Two fire engines stand at the edge of the burnt areas.

GroundUp Staff

Brief | 29 November 2015

Police station for Masiphumelele: “We want an end to promises,” say supporters

Deputy Minister of Police Maggie Sotyu is to visit Masiphumelele to listen to residentsโ€™ concerns about policing as well as to hand over the new satellite police station, says a Masiphumelele community leader.

GroundUp Staff

Brief | 16 November 2015

Academics condemn bottle-throwing at UCT

The disruption of a University of Cape Town senate meeting yesterday by about 150 protesters has been condemned by the Black Academic Caucus and the UCT Academic Union, as well as by Dean of Humanities Sakhela Buhlungu.

GroundUp Staff

News | 10 November 2015

Mining company “lied” to its shareholders

Representatives of the Amadiba community in the Eastern Cape have accused Australian company Mineral Commodities, part owner of the Tormin mine on the West Coast, of lying to its shareholders.

GroundUp Staff with AmaBhungane

News | 6 November 2015

Westlake residents demand better policing

Around 150 residents of Westlake township protested outside Kirstenhof police station today. They said the police were 'turning a blind eye' to crime in their community. They demanded the Kirstenhof station commander be removed for being unresponsive and that a satellite police station be established in the township. The community pledged their total co-operation with the police.

GroundUp Staff

News | 5 November 2015

Dispute over who represents students at UWC

On Monday, a group of about 300 protesters at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) continued their call for free education, an end to outsourcing, scrapping registration fees, clearing student debt, and the incorporation into the institution of Kovacs private residence on the UWC campus.

Ashleigh Furlong and GroundUp staff

News | 2 November 2015

Essential TB medicine: is it back in stock?

On 5 October, GroundUp reported that the pharmaceutical company Sandoz had stopped supplying an essential medicine for treating tuberculosis (TB) to South Africa.

GroundUp Staff

Brief | 2 November 2015

Do what you believe is the right thing, 1980s activist tells students

Activists are always in a minority, 1980s student leader Llewellyn MacMaster told students in Cape Town last night.

GroundUp Staff

News | 30 October 2015

UCT commits to “insourcing” - and other reports from the #FeesMustFall protests

The University of Cape Town (UCT) has agreed, in principle, to employ its workers directly, and charges were dropped against 23 protesters. But at Wits, students and reporters were intimidated by protesters. Here are reports of today's protest activities from Cape Town, East London and Johannesburg.

GroundUp staff

News | 28 October 2015

Angry Masiphumelele residents to march on magistrates’ court

An uneasy calm has returned to Masiphumelele, but residents say they are preparing further protests on Friday, when a community leader charged with murder is due to appear in court.

GroundUp Staff and Bernard Chiguvare

News | 28 October 2015

Nyanga policing: Will promises be kept this time?

In October 2012, then Western Cape police commissioner, Lieutenant General Arno Lamoer, promised that a new satellite police station would be opened in Nyanga. Three years later, the promise has not yet been kept. Nor is it clear what steps have been taken to address a multitude of problems raised by a parliamentary committee a year ago.

GroundUp staff and Tariro Washinyira

News | 28 October 2015