Answer to a question from a reader

A courier company has taken over two weeks to deliver a time-bound gift. What can I do?

The short answer

One option is to lodge a complaint on

The whole question

I sent a nominal gift via courier service to a secretary for efficient service and it was signed for.

They have have NOT returned it or given it to the secretary within 2 weeks!

Emails and faxes have been sent but to no avail.

What can I do?

The long answer

Thank you for your email asking what you can do to compel a business to hand over a gift to the secretary to whom you sent it, after they had signed to accept the gift from a courier service.

Have you established from the courier service who signed to accept the gift? It would seem that the person who signed to accept the gift should be held responsible for handing it over.

You could email or fax once more with the name of the person who signed and say that you will publish their name and the name of the company on if the gift is not handed over within twenty-four hours. Or you could simply log the complaint on Hellopeter anyway.

Hellopeter says that it is “a gateway between the consumer and business".

Complaints or compliments can be logged on hellopeter for free, but the company will only be able to respond if they pay a fee to hellopeter.

Answered on Aug. 2, 2019, 11:56 a.m.

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