Answer to a question from a reader

Can a pensioner get the child support grant as well as the old age pension?

The short answer

No, here's why you won't qualify for both grants

The whole question

If you are currently receiving an old-age pension, is it possible to also get the child support grant?

The long answer

Both the old age grant and the child support grants are means-tested, which means that you only qualify for the grant if your income is below a certain level. In the case of the old age grant, your income must be below R6 510 per month if you are single, and R13 020 if you are married. But to qualify for the child support grant, your income cannot be more than R4 000 a month if you are single and R8 000 if you are married. So because your income from the old-age pension is higher than the cut-off point for the child support grant, you will not qualify for both grants.

The foster child grant of R1 040 per month is not means-tested, but you have to have a court order saying that you have been made the foster carer for the child. The child must be under 18 years of age and must stay with you

You may want to ask Legal Aid for advice about whether you could be designated the foster carer for the children.

These are their contact details:

Legal Aid Advice Line (toll-free): 0800 110 110

Please-Call-Me number: 079 835 7179


Answered on June 22, 2020, 9:38 a.m.

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