
Straight or gay: Who inherits when you die?

Constitutional Court rules in favour of same sex partner


Law | 8 December 2016

Ekapa and zama-zamas fight over mining rights

Will Department of Mineral Resources use the opportunity to regulate small-miners?


Law | 5 December 2016

Victory for right to protest

Convictions of 94 Free State health workers set aside


Law | 18 November 2016

Concourt takes firm stand against racism

Racism can no longer be glossed over, accommodated or excused


Law | 14 November 2016

Concourt to determine rights of detained immigrants

People detained for crimes currently have more access to the courts than undocumented immigrants


Law | 9 November 2016

University interdicts: what do they mean and to whom do they apply?

In the wake of Fees Must Fall protests, institutions are using the courts to complete the academic year


Law | 7 November 2016

State capture report explained

Zuma, the Executive and the Gupta family have troubling questions to answer about cabinet appointments as well as a dodgy Eskom deal - and this is just the beginning


Law | 3 November 2016

Withdrawal from International Criminal Court challenged in Concourt

CASAC argues the President has violated the separation of powers


Law | 31 October 2016

Concourt closes loophole used in municipal evictions

"Meaningful engagement" is required, not optional


Law | 27 October 2016

Concourt judgment: a victory for spouses of farm workers

Klaase case means women's interests must be taken into account before evictions can be carried out


Law | 24 October 2016

Charges against Gordhan are a swing and miss

It’s clear there was no intention to commit fraud


Law | 13 October 2016

CCMA victory for non-unionised workers

It will be easier for workers to get representation


Law | 11 October 2016

Xolobeni goes to court over community rights versus mining

Case will shed light on land ownership and customary law


Law | 28 September 2016

Bromwell Street case could set precedent for city housing

Residents take City of Cape Town to court


Law | 22 September 2016

Constitutional Court ends shady practice by creditors

From now on judges must approve deductions against salaries by creditors


Law | 20 September 2016

A South African shame: children in prisons

Youths held in adult prison for 200 days without access to visitors


Law | 12 September 2016