Articles for Masego Mafata

PRASA attorney didn’t know about concessions that led to Siyaya settlement, tribunal told

The attorney acting on behalf of PRASA says he could not determine whether concessions were made by PRASA employees as claimed.


Law | 16 May 2023

PRASA had no leg to stand on in Siyaya matters, tribunal on Makhubele hears

Siyaya lawyer testifies on how R56-million settlement was reached


Law | 16 May 2023

Siyaya was “stuck in their own mud” before Judge Makhubele intervened, tribunal hears

Advocate argues it was not unusual for a PRASA board chairperson to take an interest in legal matters, but former legal head questions the manner of engagement


News | 12 May 2023

Witness describes Judge Makhubele’s unusual interest in dodgy Siyaya deal

Fani Dingiswayo tells the Judicial Conduct Tribunal that Makhubele pushed for a settlement with Siyaya rather than defend their claims in court


Law | 11 May 2023

Explosive email read at Judge Makhubele’s tribunal

Advocate Elaine Zungu led evidence showing that the judge ordered payment to Siyaya when she chaired the PRASA board


News | 10 May 2023

No instruction to pay Siyaya, argues Makhubele at tribunal

Judge Tintswalo Makhubele’s advocate argues there is no documented evidence that Makhubele issued instructions to settle with corruption-accused firm


News | 9 May 2023

Judge Makhubele “abetted corruption” at PRASA, tribunal hears

PRASA whistleblower Martha Ngoye stands firm under cross examination


News | 8 May 2023

Lottery-funded Soweto “sports complex” is just a dumpsite

The National Lotteries Commission is trying to get back R6-million awarded to the Motheo Sports and Entertainment Foundation


News | 13 April 2023

Apartheid labour tenants wait their whole lives for land rights - but there are signs of hope

Activists say the appointment of a Special Master of the Land Claims Court should speed up the process

By and

News | 12 April 2023

Joburg teens bring Constitution Hill to life with hip-hop

“In Hillbrow where we live, it’s easier for a child to join a life of crime… I was really excited to see them perform” says parent


News | 28 March 2023

Old apartheid police station is a place of hope in Sharpeville

Kitso Information Development Centre offers training courses and hot meals


News | 20 March 2023

Tribunal into Judge Makhubele’s conduct adjourned until May

#UniteBehind’s Zackie Achmat urges Judge Makhubele to publicise her legal costs “which are being carried by the public”


News | 24 February 2023

Judge Makhubele “sidelined and excluded” PRASA’s legal team, Tribunal hears

Martha Ngoye tells the Judicial Conduct Tribunal that Judge Makhubele wanted to be the first one consulted about the Siyaya matter


News | 23 February 2023

State suffered “financial prejudice” following Judge Makhubele’s suspension, Tribunal hears

“We have had to appoint acting judges to do her work and she has continued to get her salary,” says Judge President Dunstan Mlambo


News | 22 February 2023

Former PRASA chair should not have accepted the job, tribunal told

Judge Makhubele was in no position to accept new work after she had been recommended as a judge on 8 October 2017, says Gauteng High Court Judge President Dunstan Mlambo


News | 21 February 2023

Johannesburg informal settlements wait a week for water

Contracting issue has delayed supply to over 40 informal settlements, says Joburg Water


News | 23 January 2023