Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Topic: Immigration  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

I'm pregnant. What visa options are available to let my boyfriend stay in SA longer than three months?

He could apply for a number of visas: work, critical skills, life partner or (eventually) a relative visa

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I am a ZEP holder but my daughter's school still wants me to pay school fees

Excluding ZEP holders from accessing school fees exemption is not in line with the spirit of the Constitution or the Schools Act.

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What can my Egyptian boyfriend do to stay in SA now that his passport has expired?

He needs to become "legalised." You would need legal help.

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How can I apply for a business permit or permanent residence, and how can I register my business?

You can apply for permanent residence on other grounds, like business. The process is described below.

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Can graduates in the critical skills category receive a waiver from having to work for 5 years before applying for Permanent Residence?

Yes, if you have graduated from a South African university.

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Why did Home Affairs deny my youngest child citizenship?

Children born after October 2014 will need a visa from Home Affairs.

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I can't open a bank account because I have a Visitor's Visa. What must I do?

You can get an endorsement on your spousal visa. Here's how.

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Which documents do I need to claim UIF as an asylum seeker?

Here's the different ways to assist you.

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How can I add my 6 month-old daughter born in Zimbabwe to my permit?

You need an “accompanying visa”, which must be applied for in Zimbabwe

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Why am I only being granted six-month permits to stay in South Africa and why am I not being granted citizenship?

It's complicated, but there are things you could try

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