Answers to your questions

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How can I get an ID if I was born in Lesotho to South African father and mother from Lesotho?

If you were born outside South Africa and one of your parents was South African, and the birth was registered, you should be able to claim South African citizenship by descent.

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How can my girlfriend can get a birth certificate so that we can get a birth certificate for our son?

Your girlfriend will have to apply for a Late Birth Registration (LBR).

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Home Affairs refuses to give us permanent residency even though we were born in South Africa, and our parents and siblings have permanent residency. What can we do?

As you were both born in South Africa before 2014, you still automatically qualify for citizenship provided you have not lived anywhere else but South Africa.

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What should I do if my passport is on the V-list?

You can contact Home Affairs to appeal your status as a "prohibited person".

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Where can I apply for an ID online?

You can submit ID and passport applications and payments on the eHomeAffairs website.

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How can a permanent resident's child born under the amended citizenship laws become legalised?

The child will have to apply for temporary visas to be legal, and apply for citizenship when they are 18 if they have only lived in South Africa.

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How can I get an interview for a birth certificate at Home Affairs?

You can phone their hotline but you will probably have better luck if you get help from a non-government organisation.

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What can I do if my mother ripped up my birth certificate before I could get an ID?

It would be best if you can get another trusted adult to go with you, but sometimes these processes at Home Affairs prove difficult.

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What can I do if Home Affairs won't help me get an ID because my parents aren't with me?

It would be helpful if one of your relatives came forward as a parental figure or guardian to help you apply.

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Can I as a Zimbabwean travel to South Africa to give my child my surname?

Yes, your child can bear your name. You can travel to South Africa if you have a relative visa.

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