Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Topic: Housing  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

We have been told that the tribal authority did not have the right to sell land to us. What will happen to us?

Even if an eviction order is granted, you cannot be evicted until after lockdown. You may need legal assistance if you want to be recompensated.

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Can I get a FLISP subsidy if I inherited my father's property?

No, to qualify for FLISP you must be a first-time homeowner.

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What can I do if I don't qualify for government housing and have no source of income?

First claim your UIF, if you qualify. Then apply for the new Covid-19 SRD grant.

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Someone has been illegally renting their CTCHC house to me and now we are being evicted. Please help!

You cannot be evicted during lockdown, but maybe you should apply for a Community Residential Unit in the meantime.

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I want to escape my abusive partner and get an RDP house.

There are a few organisations that offer assistance, shelter, counselling, legal support and educational programmes

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Can a rental officer stop us from living in the house that our deceased relative rented since 1993?

Depending on her reasoning, you may need to report her to the Housing Department.

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If the Municipality miscalculates the amount owing on property rates, is the previous owner liable for payment?

There is some uncertainty surrounding this, but it is possible that you will have to pay.

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My late grandfather had children with two women who he didn't marry. Do they have claim to his house?

The mothers don't but the children do have claim to the house.

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Can my landlord change the price I agreed to buy the house for?

If it was a verbal agreement, there is nothing stopping him from changing the price.

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Can a wife inherit an RDP house if she was not listed as a beneficiary?

It depends whether or not the deceased left a will

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