Answers to your questions

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Topic: Housing  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

If I settle on municipal land, can I negotiate with the municipality to buy it later?

No, it's illegal - the municipality would consider this as land invasion.

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How can you get a government house if you earn more than R3,500 a month?

If you earn between R3,500 and R22,000, you qualify for "gap" housing, like the Finance Linked Individual Subsidy Programme.

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Can disabled people get RDP houses?

Yes, the municipality is supposed to give preference to a disabled person applying for an RDP house.

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What are the rights of someone who has occupied a house after it was abandoned 20 years ago?

Under the PIE Act, you cannot be evicted without a court order. You might be able to transfer the house to your name.

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Can my coworker sell half her RDP house to me?

Yes, but only if she has owned the property for more than eight years.

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What happens with the title deed if there is no will?

The Intestate Succession Act of 1987 applies

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Where can I get a PTO certificate for my rural stand?

You need to approach the traditional leader in the area where you live.

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What happens if the seller of a house dies before the transfer has taken place?

The transfer process is halted and the estate of the deceased seller must be reported.

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If two unwed people owned a house together and one died after getting married to someone else, can the spouse sell the house?

The two title deed holders need to come to an agreement about the sale of the house.

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Does my late ex-husband's girlfriend have claim to his estate?

Unless he made a will leaving his share of the property and assets to his girlfriend, she cannot claim his estate.

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