Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Topic: Housing  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

How will a deceased estate be split up if one spouse dies without a will?

Under a marriage in community of property, the surviving partner will inherit their deceased spouse's share of the estate.

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How can I ensure that only I inherit my father's house and not my step-siblings?

If your parents were married in community of property, your mother had the right to leave her share of the house to her other children.

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My late father transferred the title deed to his and his girlfriend's names without my mother's knowledge. What can she do?

Because your parents were married in community of property, your mother has claim to 50% of the joint estate and might be able to overturn the transfer.

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Can a seller change their mind about the cost of the house and sell it for more than it's worth?

The seller can name their price for their property but cannot change their mind after the offer to purchase has been signed.

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My mother's employer was not paying her UIF and is now kicking us out of our home on her property.

It is illegal not to pay your domestic worker's UIF. Your mother should apply for social grants and housing.

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Can I be compensated for the money I spent on municipal services arrears of my late grandparents' house?

If you don't buy the house, your chances of recovering the money aren't very good.

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Can I list my niece as a dependant on my RDP application?

Yes, if she relies on you for financial support.

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I am disabled and my house is crumbling. What can I do?

The municipality should help you, but you may have better luck contacting a humanitarian organisation.

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Why does the online Housing Subsidy Portal say that my ID is not found even though I applied in 2015?

It could mean that the application was withdrawn by the municipality.

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Can someone with dementia write a valid will?

It depends on whether the person has testamentary capacity, which is explained below.

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