Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Topic: Housing  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

What can I do if my parents' RDP house was sold illegally?

Go to the municipality with all the documents proving the house belonged to your parents and ask them for help.

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Can my mother transfer the property she inherited directly to her children without putting it in her name first?

If your father left the property to your mother in his will, she would need to transfer it into her own name first.

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Can I build and sell a house if it complies with CIDB and NHBRC regulations?

Building homes is outside the scope of the CIDB but you need to register with the NHBRC before starting construction.

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Must I sell my late mother's house to cover her debts?

You should make an application to the bank to take over the existing home loan, but you would have to meet the bank’s qualifying criteria.

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Can I be evicted if I have a PTO certificate?

You are protected by the Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act and cannot be removed without your informed permission.

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Can my father move into the house my mother got in the divorce now that she has moved out?

Your father must first have the divorce order changed.

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Is it legal for law enforcement agencies to confiscate my building materials after demolishing my shack?

No, it is not legal.

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Can a title deed be transferred to a child?

Yes, if the child is between the ages of 7 and 18, and a parent or guardian is there to help.

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What steps should I take when my housing status says I'm approved?

Keep checking the status of your application until your house is ready to be allocated

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My landlord wants to evict us once he gets the title deed. Should I still pay rent?

Renting RDP houses is technically illegal, but you cannot be evicted without a court order.

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