Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

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Can I extend my shack without getting in trouble with law enforcement?

You can apply for a shack extension permit from the Informal Settlements Management Department.

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How are council houses inherited by the deceased owner/tenant's children?

If there is no will, the Intestate Succession Act will apply.

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What can I do if my RDP house was approved but now they can't find my ID on the housing database?

This is unusual. You should follow up with the office where you made your application. If they can't help, contact the MEC, the Ombudsman or a legal organisation.

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What is the best way to evict my abusive boyfriend from my shack?

If there is community leadership – like a committee that tracks ownership of shacks – you can contact them for help.

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When selling property, is it right for the conveyancing attorney to demand payment upfront?

Yes, the process of transferring the property to the buyer can only happen once the rates have been paid.

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I applied for government housing. Why does my application status say "NHNR"?

"NHNR" stands for National Housing Needs Register. It probably means that you are registered but that there is no further news yet.

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Our farm was sold without our knowledge or the necessary paperwork. What can we do?

Your property can't legally be sold like this. You need legal help.

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Can the person who inherited 50% of a joint estate also inherit the surviving partner's 50% when they pass?

Yes, if no will is written, the inheritance will be distributed according to the Intestate Succession Act

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Can I stop the sale of my father's house if he died before the sale was completed?

No, the deed of sale remains a binding contract

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What can I do if I earn too much for an RDP but not enough to qualify for a home loan?

You can apply for a FLISP grant as part of the government's “Help-Me-Buy-a-Home” scheme

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