Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

How can I protect my house from being repossessed under Section 88 of the National Credit Act?

If you go into debt review, you will be protected by Section 88 while the debt review takes place.

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What are the rights of tenants in a boarding house where the late landlady had life rights?

After the death of the landlady, ownership reverts to the original owners but the PIE Act still applies.

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Do I qualify for UIF TERS if I was temporarily laid off because of the lockdown?

You should have qualified for the previous TERS extension but the new TERS only applies to certain employees.

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Is it easier to transfer a house while the person is alive or through a will?

It will be cheaper if the house is inherited by the heir through a will.

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Who will inherit the house: the person nominated as the beneficiary or the owner's child?

If the owner nominates an heir in their will, that person will become the legal owner of the house.

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What are the rights of children born in a polygamous marriage?

If the first wife agreed to the second marriage, the second wife and her children have the same protection and rights.

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Can my half-brother claim the house even though my parents were married in community of property?

No, but he has inherited a child's share, just like you and your sister.

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How can I get more information about my deceased mineworker brother?

You can contact the mine owners and ask them for help.

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Can a seller reclaim the house if the buyer has not paid for it but has the title deed?

If a buyer breaches the sale agreement, the seller can take them to court.

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How can we get our late grandfather's children to agree that his house belongs to me and my sister?

If they have valid claim to the house, you can ask a mediator to help your family come to an agreement.

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