Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

How can I report corrupt driving instructors?

You can contact Corruption Watch, SAIDI or the government's anti-corruption hotline.

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Can I get a spousal visa for my partner if we are not married?

No, you need to apply for a life partner visa.

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Will my child have all the benefits of being South African if I give them my foreign partner's surname?

Yes, they should if at least one parent is a South African citizen.

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If a couple is separated but not divorced, can the husband remarry?

Not without the first wife and the court's permission

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How can I appeal SASSA's rejection of my R350 grant application? I do not have UIF money to claim.

You can go to SASSA's SRD grant website.

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What steps should I take when my housing status says I'm approved?

Keep checking the status of your application until your house is ready to be allocated

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My asylum permit expired and now I'm facing a fine even though all the refugee offices are closed.

You can approach one of the organisations that work with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

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My landlord wants to evict us once he gets the title deed. Should I still pay rent?

Renting RDP houses is technically illegal, but you cannot be evicted without a court order.

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How will a deceased estate be split up if one spouse dies without a will?

Under a marriage in community of property, the surviving partner will inherit their deceased spouse's share of the estate.

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Can I stay in SA after my ZEP expires if I have a South Africa-born child?

You need an alternative visa to stay in South Africa. If you can't get one, your child will probably have to go back to Zimbabwe with you.

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