Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Does the disability grant cover mental health issues?

Sometimes, but ultimately it is up to SASSA's discretion

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Should an employer pay their worker during the period before the disability benefit is paid out?

The employer is not obliged to retain an employee who is permanently incapacitated if her working circumstances cannot be adapted.

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I want to stop using heroin now that I'm pregnant. What detoxification programmes are available in Cape Town?

The DSD has a community-based substance abuse programme. Ante-natal clinics often also have methadone withdrawal programmes.

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Can a wife inherit an RDP house if she was not listed as a beneficiary?

It depends whether or not the deceased left a will

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How can my friend transfer his Permission to Occupy to my name?

A PTO cannot be transferred because it is not a title deed.

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Can an employer withhold your salary and provident fund if you breach the contract?

An employer can only withhold your salary if they have a court order. They cannot withhold the provident fund.

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Can an abandoned child get a birth certificate?

Yes, but you may need help to get Home Affairs to comply.

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Can the bank demand twice the monthly repayment of a loan on an over-insured house?

The in duplum rule limits all interest and other payments on debt to double the amount of the original debt.

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Can my employer withhold my provident fund to pay outstanding debts without my permission?

No, the provident fund can only withhold your money if you owe the employer money or have been convicted in a civil/criminal case

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Can I re-apply for a child's grant now that my husband has walked out on us?

Yes, if you still qualify. You can also open a maintenance claim against your husband.

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