Answer to a question from a reader

My father passed away. Does SASSA still pay his grant for this month?

The short answer

Yes, the full grant is paid for the month a person dies.

The whole question

My father passed away on 13 April. My mother wants to know if it is true that the end of the month - when the person died, the grant is still paid in to help with all the expenses. Is that true?

The long answer

Thank you for your email asking whether SASSA will pay your father’s grant in April, the month of his death.

Yes, they will pay out the grant this month. Once the death certificate is issued, the grant will be automatically stopped, so it will not be paid in May.

If you need to communicate with SASSA, their toll-free number is 0800 60 10 11.

With sympathy for your loss.

Answered on May 3, 2019, 1:41 p.m.

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