Answer to a question from a reader

Which documents do I need to swap my RDP house?

The short answer

You should go to the conveyancing attorney’s office.

The whole question

Another woman and I swapped RDP homes for which we both have title deeds. We started the process 10 years ago at the conveyancer with our title deeds but there hasn't been any progress. We both have children and we would like to extend our houses. Which documents do we need to exchange the homes?

The long answer

Thank you for your email asking what documents are needed to swap your RDP houses since it’s been 10 years that you have started the process at the conveyancer with your title deeds.

That does not seem right at all: even though the process of transferring the title deeds to your names by the conveyancing attorney is a long and expensive process, it should never take as long as ten years.

As you know, the conveyancing attorney has to see that the change of ownership is signed by the Registrar and that a copy is kept at the Deeds Office.

Perhaps (when the lockdown is over), you should go together to the conveyancing attorney’s office, taking your title deeds and any proof that you have of how long you have waited, and find out what is going on.

You could also ask your municipal housing offices for advice, and you could try contacting your MEC for Human Settlements to assist you.

Answered on April 21, 2020, 3:56 p.m.

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